A Passion for Beautiful Quilts

I love homemade quilts. I love that they are so individual in every way. I love the colors, the variety of designs, the snuggly feel, and and pure beauty of them. Before I started Marmie Quilting, I made dozens and dozens of them, mostly as gifts over a 20-year period. However, I used to rely on others to do the quilting, an oh-so-important step in joining the quilt layers into a quilt sandwich. I would gaze longingly at the longarm machines each year at the state fair, trying my hand at a few swirls on the demo machine. The thought of actually owning one frightened me. I knew how much time, dedication and love went into every quilt top and I wanted to add value to the quilt piecing, not take away from it. For many years, my dream hung out in a little file folder entitled "Quilt Business" in my filing cabinet. When God puts a dream in your heart though, time and dust won't take it away.
My hubby and I have eight children, all of which we have homeschooled. Six of those have grown to adulthood and gone off in all their different directions. With only two still at home, in the fall of 2016, God encouraged me through prayer that the time had come for me to dust off those quilty dreams and trust Him with the outcome.
And so ... Marmie Quilting was born.
"Marmie" is the name my grandchildren call me. I have six sweet grandbabies so far, but I have a feeling there will be many more in the coming years.
I call my Longarm machine "Millie" and she and I are having a grand time. She and I have spent countless hours together over the past 4+ years, and I have had the blessing to add beauty and value to hundreds of quilts since she and I first started working together. I have dedicated myself to becoming the best long-arm machine quilter I can be, spending hours developing and learning the finer points of beautiful quilting. My quilting journey has more discoveries down the road, and I am trusting Him with the process and the outcome. To God be the glory!